Family Supports


Family Support Services

Family Support: Families with a member with a severe disability are supported according to the needs identified by the family. Services may include, but are not limited to, financial assistance, supplies, equipment, respite, and service coordination.


Early intervention

Early Intervention Services

Foundations Early Intervention Services are provided in the home and community for infants and toddlers under age three who exhibit a delay or disability in speech, motor, cognitive, social or other skills, and to provide supports for their families.

TN CCR&R Mid Cumberland

Child Care Resource and Referral

TN CCR&R Mid Cumberland

Mid Cumberland CCR&R provides free training and technical assistance to child care educators across the state to improve the quality of child care for all children.

The CCR&R provides resources for families seeking child care. Whether you are a parent seeking child care resources, a child care educator seeking help with your program, an employer looking to assist families in your organization, we are here to help and help you obtain the information you need


Residential Services

Supported Living

Residential Services

Supported Living: Staff supports one to three people living in their own home in the community.

Residential Habilitation: Staff Support one to four people living in homes owned or operated by the Agency.

Medical Residential: Nursing services are provided in addition to 24 hours per day staffing in specialized, accessible homes.

Family Model Residential Services: One or two individuals live with and receive support from a family in the family’s home.

Employment & Day Services

Supported Employment: Staff assist individuals in securing jobs that match their unique skills and aptitude, job coaching, and ongoing support as needed.

Community Based Day: Staff provide opportunities for individuals to explore the community by being involved in chosen activities that may result in meaningful relationships or paid employment.

Personal Assistance: Staff provide individual assistance with a variety of activities in the home and community.

Nursing Services

Nursing Services: Licensed nurses provide physician ordered services in the individual’s home or in the community.

Respite Services

Respite Services: Short-term residential support is provided in the individual’s home or in agency owned homes.

Vocational Rehabilitation

The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VR) provides a variety of individualized services to persons with disabilities in preparation for their employment in the competitive labor market. This includes, VR assessment (Job Shadowing, Job Sampling, and Integrated Work Site Assessment), Trial Work Experiences, Job Readiness and Placement, Job Coaching and Supported Employment.

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The Arc

The Arc:  People with disabilities, parents, professionals and interested citizens join together to promote and advocate for the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.


ECF CHOICES is administered by TennCare through its contracted managed care organizations. Services promote and support integrated competitive employment and independent living as the first and preferred option for members with intellectual and developmental disabilities. All new enrollment is in the ECF program, as other waivers are closed to new enrollment.

Mid-Cumberland Child Care Resource and Referral

Mid-Cumberland Child Care Resource and Referral: Provides resources to parents, childcare professionals, and others who support quality childcare and development.

Choices CLS

CHOICES Community Living Supports (CLS) support people who are aging and/or have physical disabilities to live in their communities.

Still have questions? Feel free to contact us at 615-446-3111 or  use our online contact form.