1) A French general gave John Quincy Adams a pet alligator. Adams kept it in one of the White House bathtubs and enjoyed showing it off.
2) Dinosaurs would swallow large rocks which stayed in their stomach to help churn and digest food.
3) You can now get a headstone with a QR code. Called “Living Headstones”, they show pages with photos, video biographies, and comments from loved ones.
4) Hershey’s chocolate syrup, Ritz Crackers, DumDums, and Oreos are all vegan.
5) In Israel, it is illegal to bring bears to the beach.
6) On Valentine’s Day in South Korea, only women give gifts, not men.
7) The largest living thing on earth is a giant sequoia named General Sherman.
8) Elvis was originally blonde. He started dying his hair black for an edgier look. Sometimes, he would touch it up himself using shoe polish.
9) Snoop Dogg’s real name is Cordozar Calvin Broadus Jr. His nickname came from his mother who thought he looked like Snoopy from the Peanuts.
10) Using a hands-free device to talk on the phone while driving is shown to be equally or more dangerous than driving drunk.
Pineapple Jam
Pineapple Jam
(makes 1 ready to eat 8oz jar)
1 can crushed pineapples w/juice (8oz)
3/4 cup sugar
Put in saucepan & boil 20 minutes or until thickened.
Pour in 8oz jar or container & refrigerate for use
***this could be made with other fruits as long as same amount is used